Monday, October 1, 2012

A Little Reflection

I'm exhausted.  At this point I have about half of my hours in and I'm worn out.  I don't know how my classmates who are working full-time are having enough time to do this.  I am working on my practicum every day that I can, subbing on days when I can't, and trying to keep my house from falling into complete and utter ruin.  I collapse into bed every night and lay there thinking of the 200 things I need to accomplish the next day.  The fact that I'm trying to "land" a job next month and study for my upcoming exit exam doesn't help my exhaustion factor. 

I've started working with elementary kids at my elementary site.  I've learned a few things so far...

1. Little kids want you to like them.  They want that with every sticky, smelly cell of their little beings.
2. Little kids HAVE to touch you.  Whether they have just sneezed into their magic-marker colored hands, or have just emerged, hands dripping, from the restroom - THEY HAVE TO TOUCH YOU.
3. Little kids, when gathered in large groups, have a smell. I've tried to identify it, but the closest I can come to putting it into words is by imagining combining the smells of crayons, soap, the cafeteria, and a little bit of dirt all into one. 

 I'm not an elementary teacher...I've always preferred working with older students.  Elementary teachers get my utmost respect. I could not do their jobs. And theirs is such an important job!  This week I start teaching classroom guidance lessons by myself and I'm somewhat (okay a lot) terrified.  Wish me luck.

In working with my high school supervising counselor the main thing I've learned so far is that even if I could clone myself 10 times and move into the school, cutting off all other responsibilities, there still aren't enough hours in the day to do everything that you'd like to do to help your students be their best.

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