Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Counseling Skills Reflection Week 7

Week 7 feels a bit like week 700.  In class tonight I'm supposed to turn in a tape of a group counseling situation.  I don't have mine thanks to missing my practicum at my elementary site last week which puts me a week behind.  I'm supposed to have a student evaluation signed tonight.  Nope. Don't have that either.  I'll have to fax it tomorrow.  I feel like such a spaz right now.

Reflecting on my counseling abilities today is somewhat depressing.  It's so hard to get real opportunities to counsel.  My elementary site offers classroom and group opportunities but my high school site only offers really contrived opportunities.  I really want to help students through counseling but now I'm wondering if I will even have the opportunity!

I do feel as though I have a good grasp on my strengths and weaknesses even though the first submitted tape didn't really offer the opportunity to evaluate those. I definitely want to continue to work on feeling more comfortable working with younger kids and I'm really worried about how I will handle working with resistant students since it doesn't look as if my practicum semester is going to offer that kind of experience at all.  Practice makes perfect - or in this case at least more comfortable - the only way to feel more adequate and able is to continue exposing myself to as much experience working with students in counseling situations as I possibly can. The evidence of improvement will be, I think, a sense that I know what I'm doing.  I'm not really sure that there is anything we can do in class to help me with these things, as I think the only way to really learn how to be an effective counselor is through practice and experience over time.

Next week I will get to start working with a small group of 2nd grade boys.  At the request of their teacher, we will be working on responsibility and respect.  I'm actually excited and my supervisor is giving me pretty much free reign to do whatever lessons I want.  If anyone has any recommendations, I'm all ears.


  1. Your experience at the high school sounds very similar to mine. I have been able to talk to one student bu the rest of the time has been testing and the paperwork that follows. The counselor has talked to two students the entire time I have been there and I was asked to leave. Some help that was.

  2. I feel like you do in that with more practice we will feel more comfortable. It has been difficult for me to get in all areas of direct hours because there are things that I just have not seen while I have been there. I have basically just told her what I need to be doing or seeing and the counselor at my elementary school site has been helpful and worked with me to help make those happen. I would like to feel more comfortable working with older students. I taught K-2 grade so that is the age group I feel most comfortable with now counseling because I have had experience with that age group.
