Monday, October 1, 2012

Top 20 Reasons My School Needs ANOTHER School Counselor

Yes, I know my post is a little late...but that goes hand in hand with this post.

Top 20 Reasons My School Needs ANOTHER School Counselor:
20. The current school counselor might actually get a lunch break.
19. Students might actually have the opportunity to be counseled about something other than college/scholarship opportunities
18. Navigating Quality Core updating might be a bit easier (frustrations may cause one counselor to put her fist through her computer would be nice to have a back-up!)
17. There would actually be a counselor on campus every day.  Currently this is impossible as the school counselor takes students on college visits, attends training for various things, etc. and is only on campus about 50% of the time.
16. The counselors could feel like counselors and not administrators as administrative duties would be split.
15. If the counselor had to be away from school for any extended period of time, there would still be a counselor on campus who knows what is going on
14. The school counselor would have someone to commiserate with and retain confidentiality
13. Students could have more access to scholarship/college/testing information
12. Parents could have more access to scholarship/college/testing information
11. There would be more time for community involvement
10.  Students need a person they can come to for help with social/emotional issues and right now the counselor is simply not available.
9. The counselor would have more time to get to know students on a casual basis (between classes, during breakfast, etc.)
8. Students would actually find out what the counselor looks like!
7. The counselor would be less likely to feel totally burnt out at the end of the day/week/month/year.
6. Students would feel more valued.
5. Teachers would have the option to refer students for counseling services when they see a need.
4. There would be more opportunities for classroom guidance lessons on issues students are dealing with every day.
3. School would feel like a safer place.
2. More students could experience success
1. There can never be too many people who care about student well-being and success!

Over the past few weeks I have seen firsthand how completely overwhelmed a single counselor can be when they are trying to do everything they can for their students.  I could do practicum hours every single day and I know that my supervising counselor loves being able to utilize my time.  She keeps me busy!

1 comment:

  1. I think you have made some great points on why your school needs another counselor! If the counselor is only there 50% of the time because of other obligations then that would leave a lot of time throughout the year that students may not be getting the services they need. There were two counselors at the high school I attended and they still were not able to get everything in that they needed to so I can only imagine how difficult it would be with only one counselor.
