Monday, September 10, 2012

A Personal Counseling Conflict

As some of you know, my oldest daughter will be graduating from high school this year.  I'm ridiculously proud of her.  She is a great kid, has never been in trouble, has a 3.9+ GPA, already has 6 college credit hours under her belt.  Her entire life, I have emphasized how important college is.  She knows we aren't rich and that grades are important.  We have looked at colleges together and she is being heavily recruited by several.  Enter her horrendous boyfriend.  He just graduated from a 2 year program at a vocational school in Floyd County.  He works at a state department as an engineering assistant in Somerset.  He has convinced her that vocational school is the best.  UGH.

She received her acceptance letter to Sommerset Community and Technical College on Friday.  World War III erupted at my house.  My daughter's grand life plan at the ripe old age of 16 now includes living with said boyfriend and attending a 2 year nursing/CNA program at SCTC.  She knows everything and thinks I'm an idiot, after all, look at me - degrees coming out of my ears and no job.  I'm devastated.  Her high school counselor thinks her plan is fabulous.  I'm ready to murder people. 

So my question is this: What should her counselor do? Encourage this idiotic plan for an extremely bright and gifted student, while ignoring the fact that she could and should do so much better/more and also ignore the parent who is dying over this decision? Obviously this is extremely personal for me so I can, in no way, be objective in this particular case.  HELP!

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