Tuesday, September 18, 2012

This Week...

I feel like my counseling practicum is getting off to a rather slow start.  Last week I logged 6 hours and so far this week I've only logged 2.5 hours.  Today I worked with a student on filling out an interest inventory for the PLAN test he will be taking on Thursday (which I get to help administer).  Unfortunately my phone stopped recording right before we got to the actual interest inventory part and so I didn't record all of the great conversation we had - including him telling me about his fears of public speaking.  I hate technology!  Our conversation did make me realize that I have a lot of experience to offer students/counselees and it also made me realize that I'm going to really enjoy the time I get to work one on one with students in a counseling setting. 

Tomorrow I go to my elementary school setting for the first time.  I will be there most of the school day.  Working with little kids is NOT my idea of a good time usually so this should be interesting. Thursday, as I said earlier, I am going to help administer the PLAN test to sophomores. Then on Saturday I'm going to help deliver some group counseling/teaching with my advising guidance counselor for seniors who are trying to prepare for the COMPASS test.

I hope everyone else's practicum is going well!

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