Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Self Reflection

When I began this semester, I was most apprehensive about working with elementary age students.  My experiences have primarily been with high school age students and older so I’m a little intimidated by young kiddos.  After doing classroom guidance activities for five weeks with 1st, 2nd, and 3rd graders, I’m still definitely out of my comfort level when working in an elementary school but at least now I know that I can do it.  I would like to have more experience working with students individually before I would feel competent to be an elementary school guidance counselor, but since I really want to continue to work with older students, I feel that my practicum did prepare me well for that. I think practicum has also opened my eyes to some of the realities that high school guidance counselors face.  As much as I would prefer to work as a guidance counselor and spend my days counseling students and interacting, the reality is that at least half of my time will probably be spent on record-keeping and administrative duties.  Schools are on a tight budget and an even tighter staff and everyone has to wear more than one hat.  I still plan to make counseling students my priority, but time management is going to have to be something I really look at once I do find myself employed as a counselor.

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