Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Week 9 Classroom Guidance Activity

In working with my elementary school kids, I am actually doing classroom guidance activities with 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade classrooms.  The counselor at the elementary school follows a curriculum from the “Say NO to Violence” series.  One of the things I worked with the 3rd grade on was anger management.  We talked about feeling words.  The kids raised their hands and each named a feeling.  I wrote all of those on the board.  We passed out their workbooks.  In the workbooks the theme is robots and the focus is on how humans experience feelings and emotions in a different way.  The students took turns reading statements about feelings and had to decide whether each statement could be attributed to a human or a robot.  Then, if the statement was determined to include feelings, the students had to decide if they were appropriate feelings or not. The activity instigated some really good conversations with the students about appropriate ways to deal with anger and having your feelings hurt.

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